Senteo Solutions

Guiding change and transformation is not an easy task, regardless of the scope and complexity of the change. With over 25 years of business transformation experience, we have various tools and tactical approaches that allow us to create value for clients quickly. Our experience in different countries, industries, and economic environments gives us confidence in our ability to guide change in an efficient and sustainable manner.
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Senteo Solutions

Guiding change and transformation is not an easy task, regardless of the scope and complexity of the change. With over 25 years of business transformation experience, we have various tools and tactical approaches that allow us to create value for clients quickly. Our experience in different countries, industries, and economic environments gives us confidence in our ability to guide change in an efficient and sustainable manner.
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With a very detailed methodology in the areas of customer experience, relationship management, and loyalty, Senteo has helped hundreds of companies to improve the quality of customer contacts, customer experiences, and customer relationships all with the goal of creating more profitable, stable, and long-lasting customer relationships.


This first step in new client engagements allows us to map the current state of a client organization and also analyze opportunities for immediate benefits. The light version is a standardized, six-week discovery project designed to quickly assess the current state of development and choose and launch the most appropriate development initiatives. The more detailed diagnostic option is completed over the course of 3 months and delves deeper into the operating model, organizational model, and longer-term strategic development goals of the organization.


The Senteo team is comprised of experienced practitioners that have proven experience implementing the solutions they propose. Using the detailed Senteo methodology, the team will educate client teams and guide change in the client organization to improve the quality of customer experiences and customer relationships. Ongoing retainer projects allow the team to work closely with the client organization to transfer knowledge along with generating results.

Learn more about our case studies
Learn more about our case studies
Our Methodology

The Senteo Methodology is a framework used to help organizations to design, build, measure, and manage their business to generate profitable, long-term, and mutually beneficial relationships with their customers. While our clients may be in various evolutionary stages, our methodology is designed to help companies understand and extract value from the relationships they share with their customers.

Team & Corporate Learning
Speed up your learning results with free access to basic business coaching
All our certification programs include at least one free basic business coaching session for basic business problems or difficulties applying the concepts in our courses and methodology to any specific business context.
Transformational Methodology
Using our transformational methodology that focuses on creating positive, fulfilling, and memorable customer experiences, Senteo has helped its clients to design and implement sustainable business models that generate clear results for both our clients and their customers.

The project experience of Senteo Team includes work for a variety of well recognized global and regional brands, including but not limited to:
Transformational Methodology
The main strategic objectives of the bank created the need for a significant transformation project structured with several stages and considering almost all areas
Senteo’s Content
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Why did 47% of CRM implementations in the US fail? Michael Ruckman explains why implementing CRM technology without adopting a customer-centric approach is like putting the cart before the horse.
How can banks and other companies generate emotional interest from customers? Find the answer to this question and more in this excellent introduction to the Senteo Methodology.
Banks have long struggled to adequately match customer expectations. So how can banks give customers what they really want? Michael Ruckman explains how to build and maintain real relationships.
Michael Ruckman Talks about Customer-Centric Business Models
What is the difference between retention and loyalty, and between customer-centric and relationship-centric business models? How exactly can one monetize customer experience? Michael Ruckman answers these questions and more…
Voice On Demand Retail Podcast: Contacts, Experiences and Journeys: What customers really want
Michael Ruckman, President & CEO of Senteo talks about Customer Contacts, Experiences, and Journeys in this fast moving presentation from the MECS+R Congress in 2021 in Dubai.
Voice On Demand Retail Podcast: Part 3 – Leadership in the Retail Market
Michael Ruckman talks about Customer Experiences & Customer Journeys, The three faces of Digital for Retailers and the state of leadership in the retail market today.
Clayton M. Christensen follows The Innovator’s Dilemma with The Innovator’s Solution, an answer for how businesses can create and sustain growth within their company in the face of innovation.
In this book, Robert Rossman and Matthew Duerden provide an excellent introduction to the principles of experience design, drawing on a variety of real life examples.
Chris Anderson argues that 80/20 rule applies in traditional retail channels, while in the online world, the ’98 percent’ rule applies. Mass culture is disappearing, being replaced by several niches.
Reicheld builds on the Six Principles of Loyalty: play to win/win; be picky; keep it simple; reward the right results; listen hard, talk straight; and preach what you practice.
Roger Dooly unpacks the plethora of methods that marketers can use to reach the ‘locked’ minds of the consumers – the 95% of the brain that accounts for unconscious thought.
The book advocates that creating an intentional, consistent, differentiated and valuable customer experience that is synonymous with your brand is increasingly recognized as a vital driver of corporate performance.
What is Relationship-Centricity?
This short video explains what relationship-centricity is and how it is different from customer-centricity. Follow the link to see how companies can extract value from their relationships with
How to Build a Business That Lasts 100 Years
Join strategist Martin Reeves as he explains how executives can apply six principles from living organisms to build resilient businesses that flourish in the face of change.
Explanation of What UX, CX and LX is and the Difference Between CEM & CXO
This quick 5-minute video explains the difference between User Experience, Customer Experience and Life Experience, provides examples of each and explains the difference between CEM and CXO.